Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

[W552.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan

Get Free Ebook Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan

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Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan

Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan

Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan

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Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan

A translation of the classic Denkoroku by one of the premier translators of Buddhist and Taoist texts illustrates how to arrive at the epiphanic Zen awakening known as satori. The essential initiatory experience of Zen, satori is believed to open up the direct perception of things as they are. "Even if you sit until your seat breaks through, even if you persevere mindless of fatigue, even if you are a person of lofty deeds and pure behavior, if you haven't reached this realm of satori, you still can't get out of the prison of the world" Deliberately cultivated and employed to awaken the dormant potency of the mind, satori is said to be accessible to all people, transcending time, history, culture, race, gender, and personality. Attributed to the thirteenth-century Zen Master Keizan (1268-1325), Transmission of Light (along with The Blue Cliff Record and The Gateless Barrier) is one of three essential koan texts used by Zen students. Techniques for reaching the enlightening experience of satori are revealed through fifty-three short tales about the awakenings of successive generations of masters, beginning with the twelfth-century Zen master Ejo, dharma heir to Dogen. The translator's introduction establishes the context for Transmission of Light within the Zen canon and elucidates central themes of the work, including the essential idea that genuine satori "is not the end of Zen; it is more properly the true beginning"

  • Sales Rank: #3285153 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: North Point Press
  • Published on: 1990
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 232 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Language Notes
Text: English, Japanese

Most helpful customer reviews

26 of 29 people found the following review helpful.
Right up there with the Platform Sutra. Absolutely amazing
By Soulplex
Cleary's translation (not "illustration!") of the Denkoroku is poignant, engaging, and by far one of the profoundest texts I've ever encountered. The extremely lucid teachings of nonduality contained within will certainly be of use to both the beginning Buddhist and advanced practioner, and will help to dispel the dualistic thinking that even some "experienced" Zennists persistently cling to. Keizan Zenji's message is strikingly clear:

"Furthermore, for long eons now how many times have you gone through birth and death, how many times have you come to produce and destroy mind and body? Some may think that this coming and going in birth and death is a dream, an illusion--what a laugh! Is there something that is born and dies, comes and goes, anyway? What would you call the real human body? What do you call dream illusions?

"Therefore you should not understand life and death as empty illusions either, nor should you understand them as true reality. . . . [B]oth or these understandings are wrong when you reach here. . . .

"If you want to know the reason why, it is because this realm is not affected by becoming, substinence, decay, and annihilation. How can selfhood and otherness be considered causeless? When you have forgotten outside objects and abandoned conditioned thought within, and 'even the clear sky gets a beating,' you are clean and naked, bare and untrammeled. If you perceive minutely, you will be empty and spiritual, clear and sublime."

It doesn't get any higher than that. I don't know why this book isn't more popular. Then again, perhaps it's just too deep for the American "Zen of such-and-such" society, who are content to live with a clear mind without ever discering what it actually is.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Klatu
I really enjoy this book. You do learn historically about the early Buddhist Patriarchs and its lineage. Transmission from Mind to Mind, Heart to Heart.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Kensho, or Satori
By R. Soto
Without Satori, or Kensho, there's no Prajñaparamita!!!

See all 6 customer reviews...

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[W552.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan Doc

[W552.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan Doc
[W552.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Transmission of light: Zen in the art of enlightenment, by Keizan Doc

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