Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

[F441.Ebook] PDF Download Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker

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Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker

Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker

Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker

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Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker

There is a difference between Exercise and Training. Exercise is physical activity for its own sake, a workout done for the effect it produces today, during the workout or right after you're through. Training is physical activity done with a longer-term goal in mind, the constituent workouts of which are specifically designed to produce that goal. Training is how athletes prepare to win, and how all motivated people approach physical preparation.

Practical Programming for Strength Training 3rd Edition addresses the topic of Training. It details the mechanics of the process, from the basic physiology of adaptation to the specific programs that apply these principles to novice, intermediate, and advanced lifters.

--Each chapter completely updated
--New illustrations and graphics
--Better explanations of the proven programs that have been helping hundreds of thousands of lifters get stronger more efficiently
--Expanded Novice chapter with the details of 3 different approaches to the problem of getting stuck and special approaches for the underweight and overweight trainee
--Expanded Intermediate chapter with 18 separate programs and 11 detailed examples
--Expanded Advanced chapter with detailed examples of 9 different programs
--Expanded Special Populations chapter with example programs for women and masters lifters training through their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s
--Day-to-day, workout-to-workout, week-by-week detailed programs for every level of training advancement
--The most comprehensive book on the theory and practice of programming for strength training in print

Printed in a new larger format for better display of the programs, PPST3 will be an important addition to your training library.

  • Sales Rank: #5376 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-01-14
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 256 pages

About the Author

Mark Rippetoe is the author of Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, Practical Programming for Strength Training, Strong Enough?, Mean Ol Mr. Gravity, and numerous journal, magazine and internet articles. He has worked in the fitness industry since 1978, and has been the owner of the Wichita Falls Athletic Club since 1984. He was in the first group certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a CSCS in 1985, and the first to formally relinquish that credential in 2009. Rip was a competitive powerlifter for ten years, and has coached many lifters and athletes, and many thousands of people interested in improving their strength and performance. He conducts seminars on this method of barbell training around the country.

Andy Baker is the owner of Kingwood Strength and Conditioning in Kingwood, Texas. He has a degree in Sport and Health Science from American Military University. Andy attended Texas A&M University before joining the Marine Corps in 2003. He saw two combat deployments in Iraq before finishing his degree in 2007. Shortly afterward he opened KSC, a private training facility near Houston that offers barbell training to competitive athletes and the general public, as well as program consultation for competitive lifters. Andy is a competitive powerlifter. He lives in Kingwood with his wife Laura and two kids, and spends the tiny amount of spare time he has fishing and hunting.

Most helpful customer reviews

87 of 90 people found the following review helpful.
The definitive book on programming
By Nicholas D. Klemetson
Both of Mark Rippetoe's major contributions to strength training literature are now in their third editions. Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training - 3rd Edition has established itself as one of the premiere pieces of literature for anyone interested in getting stronger, and now the 3rd edition of Practical Programming has joined it.

The 2nd edition was full of wonderful information regarding the stress/recovery/adaptation cycle of strength training. Simply put, the more you do something (say, squat or deadlift), the better you become at it, and changes in programming (frequency, set/rep schemes, etc...) are required to further progress.

New to the 3rd edition is an impressive amount of detail on how to go about the necessary changes in programming as a lifter progresses.

The book contains its largest upgrade in chapters 6-8. With the assistance of Andy Baker of Kingswood Strength and Conditioning, programming for the novice, intermediate, and advanced lifters is covered in amazing detail.

For the novice, the basic principles of the Starting Strength method are discussed as well as a fabulous real world example of a properly executed linear progression. New to the 3rd edition is an extensive look at how to elongate and squeeze every drop of usefulness out of a linear progression. It details resets, stalls, and recovering from the mistake of increasing your lifts too quickly. All of these scenarios are backed up with biomechanical details of the human body. Additionally, new to the novice section is a detailed account of the "advanced novice" lifter as well as specialized diet and training tips for the particularly overweight or underweight trainee.

The Intermediate section has received the largest upgrade of all. While novice programming allows for progress from workout to workout, intermediate programming stretches out progress over a week to week basis. Though Rippetoe discussed his "Texas Method" style of programming in the 2nd edition, it prompted a lot of questions about variations and alternatives to the demanding programming. The details of the Texas Method are contained in 30+ pages of the most important, effective writing in strength programming literature. Broken into four phases, the amount of detail contained here is staggering, and should hopefully answer any questions and address all problems trainees may have with this very complex programming. Also included are "split routines" spread over four days, as well as a Heavy-Light-Medium system popularized by coaching great Bill Starr in the 1970's.

The advanced chapter delves into periodization, or the structuring of training schedules beyond a week to week basis. The book makes very clear that this programming is for ADVANCED lifters who's progress on a week to week basis has stalled out completely. At this point, a strength athlete will be at the point where they are ready to specialize in a certain realm of athletics. Specific training details for powerlifters, MMA athletes, and Olympic weightlifters are described in exhaustive detail. Most recreational lifters will never reach this level, but its inclusion here is extremely welcome.

The final chapter will prove extremely useful for current strength training coaches. It includes specific training details for females, youth, and an extensive section on older (35+ years) lifters.

Simply put, Practical Programming 3rd Edition is required reading for anyone who has a desire to achieve their maximum potential in the weight room. Buy it, read it, read it again, and get stronger!

52 of 52 people found the following review helpful.
All you will ever need
By rumblefish
One of the many problems with the health and fitness industry is that there are many gurus and fads. I have literally wasted YEARS of my life following "5 weeks to (insert body specific goal)" programs from "Health" magazines and numerous other fitness fads. I have purchased many books on the subject. I have cycled, I have done Pilates, yoga. I tried running for over 3 months because all my runner friends told me that it becomes enjoyable, you just have to do it long enough. I have sought advice from local gym personal trainers. Finally after struggling to learn how to squat and getting nowhere with local "certified" trainers, an Internet search led me to the author and his book Starting Strength. Just wading into first few pages of that book I quickly realized that every other source of information about the subject of strength and how to attain it, that I have read, was complete garbage. Mr. Rippetoe presents such a simple, logical approach to strength in all of his writings that you feel like a fool for falling for all of the sophistry out there. His two books: Starting Strength and Practical Programming have changed my life. I do not say that lightly, before reading Mr. Rippetoe's books I could not squat at all, I had no appreciable strength and nothing really to show from years of "working out". Since then, I have squatted 400lbs, deadlifted 455 and standing pressed 175, and I plan on more! The thing is, before reading Mr. Rippetoe's books, I would have never even conceived that I could lift those numbers.

Like others have pointed out, this third edition of Practical Programming contains a significant amount of examples of the training methods. It really hammers home the idea that the programs aren't fixed and you can tailor them to your needs and sport.

If you want to really know what works, why, and how to do it, I strongly recommend you pick up both this book and Starting Strength third edition. You will not regret it.

40 of 41 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Guide for the Over 60 Warriors
By Eileen E. Czypinski
Finally, someone put together a weight lifting program that works for seniors! I had been using a three day a week program with 5 work sets for each of 4 exercises and 1 work set for the deadlift. As I increased weiights, after 3 months, I was constantly sore and becoming bone-tired and rundown. Finally, I injured my rotator cuff which set me back almost 2 months.
After receiving Mark's new book, I restarted using a two workout per week program witha light day for squats and back-off sets for the other exercises. I am making steady gaiins and am able to enjoy my normal life pain free. Thanks Mark, for giving us old war horses a sensible program for life. I'll be 70 in September 2014.

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[F441.Ebook] PDF Download Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker Doc
[F441.Ebook] PDF Download Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe, Andy Baker Doc

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

[W744.Ebook] Free PDF Love Letters of Great MenFrom Beacon Hill

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Searching for the book of love letters from the Sex in the City movie? This beautiful hard-cover book contains those letters as well as some of the most passionate and romantic poems and love letters ever written.Explore the private longings and passions of the greatest men in history and the women they loved. Find yourself in the middle of torrid love affairs, undying devotion, and scandalous betrayal as you uncover long-lost correspondences between lovers.From great Kings to War Heroes to Philosophers, spanning a period of five centuries, this collection illustrates that the human desires of sex and love were as powerful then as they are now.

  • Sales Rank: #110317 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-10-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .50" w x 5.98" l, .86 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 148 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
great for sex and the city fans
By Book Reviewer
This book is not as thick as the Sex in the City book, but I'm told the book from the movie doesn't actually exist and that the book they used was just a prop. Anyhow, this book has all the letters from the movie and lots more. You'll love to sit down and read these beautiful words from these incredible men. Wish it were the real thing, but this one does the job.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Romance is Back in Style!
By Kaylee
Though this type of book has been done before, I really like the way the author selected and compiled this particular collection of love letters. Some of the books I've read in the past are packed with letters that are not very compelling or moving, the author was just trying to fill the pages.

This one is a collection of the kind of letters you are looking for when you buy a book of this nature. The tender, sweet words from a man to his love--where you feel that passion and longing in your throat, in your gut. This is the good stuff.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Made me cry
By Coconut April
It wasn't the letters from men to the women they loved that made me cry
It was the quality and look of the book made me cry. What is inside this book are amazing, heartfelt, letters of beauty. Why would this be made so cheaply???!!!

Could it be anymore cheap looking? Shiny cover, no jacket, weird "texture print" to make it look like fabric. just bad...


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Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

[X808.Ebook] Download PDF The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome, by Peter Connolly

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The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome, by Peter Connolly

In this superbly illustrated volume, Athens and Rome, the two greatest cities of antiquity, spring to life through the masterful pen of Peter Connolly. For the first time ever, all the evidence has been painstakingly pieced together to reconstruct the architectural wonders of these mighty civilizations. By re-creating their public buildings, their temples, shops, and houses, Connolly reveals every aspect of a person's life in glorious detail, including religion, food, drama, games, and the baths.
The first part of The Ancient City covers the development of Athens in the hundred years following the Persian Wars, which began in the 4th century B.C. These chapters encompass the Golden Years of Athens; the establishment of democracy; the building of the Parthenon, the Erechtheum, and the municipal buildings of the Agora; a typical Athenian workday; and the construction of the Long Walls.
Part II examines the development of Rome in the hundred years from Nero (emperor of Rome from A.D. 54 to 68) to Hadrian (emperor of Rome from A.D. 117 to 138)--the great building period of Rome. Visit Nero's Golden Palace and the buildings subsequently built over it, the Colosseum, the Flavian Palace, the Baths of Trajan, the Temple of Venus and Roma, as well as other buildings such as the Circus Maximus, the Theatre of Marcellus, and Trajan's Forum and Market.
In addition to reading about the great monuments and moments of classical Greece and Rome, readers learn about a typical day in the life of an Athenian and a Roman. They read about--and see--the houses people inhabited; attend 5-day festivals and go to the theatre; fight great battles and witness the birth of Rome's navy; visit temples and spend a day at the races. The fascinating artwork and vivid descriptions provide a window into the great history of these two extraordinary cities and civilizations.
The Ancient City is the crowning achievement of Peter Connolly's distinguished career. His illustrations and reconstructions have a unique authority, providing the starting point for a fascinating exploration of these cities and the lives of the people who inhabited them.

  • Sales Rank: #1017139 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-05-21
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.80" h x 1.10" w x 10.90" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 256 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Brilliant Recreation of Life in the Great Classical Cities
By Jenny Jenkins
Peter Connolly's illustrations bring to life with artistic and historical precision the streets and buildings on Ancient Rome and Greece in a way that will entrance both knowledgeable scholars and young students. This book should find its way into every classroom and home library with any interest in the classical world, as Connolly breathes life into the kitchens, lavatories, temples and villas of this distant but very human world. Students will realize, yes, these cities actually were peopled by genuine humans! Publisher, waste no time in preparing an enhanced e-book version to bring Peter Connolly's illustrations into brighter, closer view!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Hard to give this book enough stars!
By pbk63
Having just visited Rome and Athens I wanted a book that explained some of what I had seen and also showed what are now ruins as they looked in antiquity. This book does that and a great deal more. From cutaway views to recreations and more important discussion of events and the history of each of these cities it is a valuable resource to which I have turned more than a few times. If you have been or are going to Athens and/or Rome this would be a wonderful book to study before you go, take with you (if room) and to enjoy on your return. If you are just interested in these cities in antiquity this book will not disappoint. If there were 6 stars I would give it to this book!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
five stars!
By Stephen Ryder
Peter Connolly's art work is good just in itself that I could buy a book on his illustrations and reconstructions alone this book will make Ancient Greece and Rome come to life far more exciting then just reading another book on this topic when reading the information and seeing the illustrations gives you a far better idea of what life was like back then

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Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

[D585.Ebook] Ebook Free Intros, Endings & Turnarounds for Keyboard: Essential Phrases for Swing, Latin, Jazz Waltz, and Blues Styles, by John Valerio

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Intros, Endings & Turnarounds for Keyboard: Essential Phrases for Swing, Latin, Jazz Waltz, and Blues Styles, by John Valerio

Intros, Endings & Turnarounds for Keyboard: Essential Phrases for Swing, Latin, Jazz Waltz, and Blues Styles, by John Valerio

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Intros, Endings & Turnarounds for Keyboard: Essential Phrases for Swing, Latin, Jazz Waltz, and Blues Styles, by John Valerio

(Keyboard Instruction). Learn the intros, endings and turnarounds that all of the pros know and use! This keyboard instruction book by John Valerio covers swing styles, ballads, Latin tunes, jazz waltzes, blues, major and minor keys, vamps and pedal tones, and more.

  • Sales Rank: #511272 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2001-11-01
  • Released on: 2001-11-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

63 of 64 people found the following review helpful.
A MUST at this price
By H. A. Shlom
This book teaches many things at once.

Learn intros and endings suitable for use in gigs.

Learn different chord changes besides the typical II-V-I.

Learn some phrases and voicings that help you jump right in,

rather than just seeing the chord changes written out.

(The last chapter is the exception)

Learn how to improvise - If you haven't been able to cross that

bridge, just let yourself wander while playing these samples.

You can't help but hear different melodies in them.

Each sample is presented in a random key, but it is still up the

student to practice them in all keys.

Well worth the price - a fraction of the cost of a piano lesson

for a huge springboard!

36 of 36 people found the following review helpful.
I love this book
By S. Mantei
I try to spend a half hour with it every night. This book will appeal to a wide range of interests. Whether you are a composer interested in theory, or a keyboardist enhancing your chops, there is something here for you. Most examples are four-measures long, but rich in musicality (kind of like what the Bach chorales are for those studying classical music.) The examples progress from simple chord progressions to more complex, and each is one is clearly explained. Nice melodies too! It is apparent that the author has spent a lot of time with each of the sub-genres (swing, ballads, blues, Latin, etc.) and has distilled his knowledge into a neat recipe book that will serve as a launching point for those wishing to further their expertise.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Amazon Customer
A very good book

See all 25 customer reviews...

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Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

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  • Binding: Paperback

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Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

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  • Original language: French
  • Dimensions: 8.54" h x .94" w x 12.13" l,
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Yusuke Oono, born in Germany and trained as an architect, has designed a surprising twist on the pop-up book. As its title suggests, unfolding this petite book in a circular fashion results in a 360-degree panoramic scene. Here, the classic fairy tale is revisited in a progression from light to dark. With the dwarves and animals cheerfully working and playing on one side, Snow White stands hesitatingly in the middle as the witch beckons with her cursed apple from the murky forest depths.

  • Sales Rank: #2231421 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-12-30
  • Original language: Japanese, English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 64 pages

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Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

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Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students (Quick & Dirty Tips), by Mignon Fogarty

Named to the International Reading Association's 2012 Teachers' Choice book list

Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students is a complete and comprehensive guide to all things grammar from Grammar Girl, a.k.a. Mignon Fogarty, whose popular podcasts have been downloaded over twenty million times and whose first book, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, was a New York Times bestseller.

For beginners to more advanced students, this guide covers it all: the parts of speech, sentences, and punctuation are all explained clearly and concisely with the warmth, wit, and accessibility Grammar Girl is known for. Pop quizzes are scattered throughout to reinforce the explanations, as well as Grammar Girl's trademark Quick and Dirty Tips―easy and fun memory tricks to help with those challenging rules.

Complete with a writing style chapter and a guide to the different kinds of writing―everything from school papers to letter writing to e-mails―this guide is sure to become the one-stop, essential book on every student's desk.

  • Sales Rank: #40580 in Books
  • Brand: St. Martin's Griffin
  • Published on: 2011-07-05
  • Released on: 2011-07-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x .83" w x 7.43" l, .99 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

71 of 74 people found the following review helpful.
Have you ever willingly read a writing guide cover-to-cover? I have.
By Denise
In the past, I've had writing guides that I've flipped through, maybe I've read a page or two if I've needed to look up a specific issue, but this is the first time I've ever read a writing guide all the way through. This guide is entertaining!

Grammar Girl, because of her training in language and in the hard sciences, understands how to explain the importance of proper usage for clarity and she also explains when sometimes rules exist out of tradition. She also explains grammar myths and how to handle people who still buy into them. Her examples are easy to understand and fun (I especially like the section on misplaced modifiers). The quick and dirty tips and the pop quizzes throughout are also fun and handy.

Other bonuses include tips that perhaps were not designed specifically to help ESL learners, but would still be immensely helpful for such students. Tips like FANBOYS and ordering adjectives, for example, are things that many native speakers take for granted, but having them described simply but completely is helpful for any user of the English language.

Also included are tips for drafting and proofreading one's own writing. Additionally, she gives tips that as a comp teacher, I've tried to drill into my students' minds, like "show, don't tell," "avoid cliches like the plague," and "you need to know if a website is credible." I am so happy I have Grammar Girl to back me up on these points.

Personal anecdote: A couple of years ago, I was teaching comma rules to a technical writing class. I was trying to explain restrictive elements and nonrestrictive elements to the class and several of the students weren't getting it. They were frustrated and I was frustrated. As I read the section in this book about restrictive elements and nonrestrictive elements, I realized that if I'd just explained it the way Grammar Girl did, a whole lot of headaches would have been prevented. This book is coming with me to school every day so that when a grammar or usage question comes up, I can simply take Grammar Girl's wording and examples to explain it much more succinctly than I am often able on my own.(It's hard to come up with sentence examples on the fly, have you noticed?)

As a teacher, I have seen many writing handbooks, most of which cost upwards of $50. This book is a delight-- not only is it the best one I've seen in that it is fun, complete, and user-friendly, but it's also truly inexpensive. I am requiring it for my college composition class this fall, and I recommend it to every high school, ESL, and college writing teacher out there. Even if you don't require it as a text, you should still have it on hand in your book bag (like me) or have a copy or two in your classroom. Your students will thank you.

28 of 29 people found the following review helpful.
Helpful tips for writers of all ages
By Jessica at Cracking the Cover
"The Ultimate Writing Guide for Students" is divided into an introduction, five chapters, an appendix, grammar at a glance, glossary and index, among other things. The five chapters focus on parts of speech, crafting sentences, understanding punctuation, quick tips on "dirty" or confusing words, and wisdom about writing as a whole.

Pop quizzes are scattered throughout to reinforce the explanations, and Grammar Girl offers easy and fun memory tricks to help with rules.

My favorite section of the "Ultimate Writing Guide for Students," is Grammar Girl's "Quick and Dirty Tips." Listed in alphabetical order, these entries range from "affect versus effect" and "farther versus further" to "it's versus its" and "lay versus lie." These entries get to the heart of the matter quickly and are easy to understand. And, as always, Grammar Girl's wit makes finding answers to sticky questions much more enjoyable.

My one complaint is the binding. This may seem trivial to some, but I would prefer a spiral binding for greater usability. I hate having to use another book to hold my reference book open. I suggest purchasing the paperback so that it can be spiral bound at Kinko's.

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Is she my twin?
By Jared Winger
I teach college students English Composition. I feel like Grammar Girl (Mignon Fogarty) took my curriculum and converted it to a book. This writing guide for students is perfect. It's written in a very logical order and in a style that students should find easy to follow. As an instructor, I love her wit and obvious enthusiasm for grammar. I know most students are not excited to read about English and its grammatical rules, but this book makes those rules fun and gives hints on how to remember them. Although the title says this book is "for students," I think anyone who communicates in written form should own it. That means you.

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Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

[I938.Ebook] Ebook Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology: An Essential Guide for Nursing & Healthcare Students

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Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology: An Essential Guide for Nursing & Healthcare Students

Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology: An Essential Guide for Nursing & Healthcare Students

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Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology: An Essential Guide for Nursing & Healthcare Students

  • Binding: Paperback

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Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

[F126.Ebook] Ebook Free Chronicles of Conan Volume 2: Rogues in the House and Other Stories, by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith

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Chronicles of Conan Volume 2: Rogues in the House and Other Stories, by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith

Chronicles of Conan Volume 2: Rogues in the House and Other Stories, by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith

Chronicles of Conan Volume 2: Rogues in the House and Other Stories, by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith

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Chronicles of Conan Volume 2: Rogues in the House and Other Stories, by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith

Compiling the early Conan the Barbarian stories by writer Roy Thomas and artist Barry Windsor-Smith, this collection contains some of the most powerful and compelling comic stories ever created. Following Robert E. Howard's pulp hero Conan through the early part of his life, Thomas and Windsor-Smith (then going by the name "Barry Smith") wove together pieces of the fantasy, horror, and science fiction genres, all built around the framework of Howard's original fiction. Featuring completely remastered color and text corrections, these stories have been unavailable in color since their original publication, nearly thirty years ago. A must for Conan fans and art afficionados alike.

  • Sales Rank: #1005628 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2003-12-09
  • Released on: 2003-12-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
No Elric, but still some great stuff!
By C. Karam
For some reason issues #14 and 15 of Conan The Barbarian are omitted from this volume - my guess is for stylistic reasons - but this is yet another wonderful collection of these graphic Hyborean classics.
Like the first volume, the digital recoloring is absolutely gorgeous and renders the breathtaking artwork with stunning clarity. The original comics were printed on newsprint, which as most comic coinnoseurs know, does not render the images with the utmost fidelity. These volumes give these stories the treatment they deserve, with good white paper and care taken in the art restoration.
In the afterword, Roy Thomas (the writer who adapted Conan into comics) promises that issues #14 and #15 will be in volume three, so fear not at the omission of the stories featuring Michael Moorcock's Elric. Simply read and savor the golden age of the comic-book Conan.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Conan continues
By gunman42782
Anybody who likes Conan will enjoy these reprodutions of the original Marvel comic series. My only complaint is that they did not reprint the covers.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
When Conan Came To Corinthia...
By Bill Slocum
For Conan traveling along mountainous Corinthia along the Road of Kings, life stunk. Fortunes would be lost, betrayals endured, and eternity glimpsed in the mad embrace of a homicidal gorilla. Conan had his complaints; not so fans of the Conan Marvel comic books.

This second volume of the "Chronicles Of Conan" series, collecting issues published in 1971-72, finds Conan writer Roy Thomas and artist Barry Windsor-Smith at an early zenith. Gone are the cruder line drawings and sillier prose of the issues collected in Volume 1. Here you get some terrific, visceral excitement with engaging back stories dripping with political intrigue and characters worth remembering for more than the way they stomached a Cimmerian scimitar, like Murilo the deceptively tough-nosed fop, Jenna the deceiver, and Burgun the noble thief.

All three show up for the three-part adaptation of Conan creator Robert E. Howard's "Rogues In The House", a stand out of the entire comic series for its weaving of diverse storylines both sordid and surreal. You see from reading this and Vol. 1 how well Thomas set things up, introducing Jenna and Burgun in earlier issues in such a way "Rogues" reads like a continuation of Conan's busy life, not a detached episode as Howard wrote it. Thomas even finds a way to flesh out a single paragraph of Howard's "Rogues" to fill an entire issue, showcasing his deep-drilling imagination for not the last time.

As "Rogues" develops, Conan is pressed by Murilo to help him kill a mysterious priest who lives, like so many Conan villains, in a vast fortress dwelling barbed with deadly traps. Howard gave this story a lot of strange twists that exposes much about the skullduggery of both the priest and Murilo, who observes Conan, a mere thief, is the "most honest" of the three.

An abruptly-scripted conclusion (which appears the same way in the Howard original) and Windsor-Smith's occasional difficulty at penciling faces are but the most minor speed bumps in this white-knuckle adrenalin ride.

The rest of the book is not nearly as good, the nadir being another Howard adaptation, "The Frost Giant's Daughter", which involves Conan chasing a laughing woman through the snows, hoping to catch and rape her. Yucky, yes, but it could have been transgressively interesting if it wasn't so threadbare, and disconnected from everything else here, being the only story set far from Corinthia. The digitalized color work of this recent publication only makes matters worse, cementing the piece's awkward reality.

Of the other stories, "Garden Of Fear", "Dweller In The Dark", and "Web Of The Spider-God" make arresting use of diversely exotic locales within the greater Corinthian area, but also suffer from the series' Achilles heel: Throwing a random monster into the action whenever a big finish was needed. You still get two strong tales, and a third ("Dweller") which is something more, casting Conan as the kept man of a haughty queen, but the predictability grates, and would grate more over time.

The word "great" seems more apt here, though, especially with the sublime handling of "Rogues Of The House", which showcases how cleverly Thomas and Windsor-Smith could mesh adult sensibilities in a kid's medium. Howard's original stories were nearly 40 years old when they got the Marvel treatment; now it's nearly 40 years later and the Conan comics seem just as enduring.

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